escritora, periodista y crítica literaria

About the author

Ceci­lia Urbi­na was born in Mexi­co City, whe­re she grew up and now resi­des. She stu­died English and French lite­ra­tu­re at the Sor­bon­ne and Cam­brid­ge Uni­ver­sity.  She is the Coor­di­na­tor of the Lite­ra­tu­re Depart­ment at Casa Lamm, whe­re she tea­ches lite­ra­tu­re and crea­ti­ve wri­ting. Her fields of study are con­tem­po­rary Bri­tish authors and post­co­lo­nial lite­ra­tu­re. She has writ­ten exten­si­vely in news­pa­pers and cul­tu­ral maga­zi­nes. She has published six novels, inclu­ding Fir­me com­pa­ñe­ra (Tava, 1994), La ima­gi­na­ción de Roger Donal (San­so­res & Alju­re, 1998), De noche lle­gan (Times Edi­to­res, 1999), and Un mar­tes como hoy (Fon­do de Cul­tu­ra Eco­nó­mi­ca, 2004), as well as a book of essays on con­tem­po­rary wri­ters, De escri­tos y escri­to­res (Uni­ver­si­dad Autó­no­ma Metro­po­li­ta­na, 2001). In 2008, Ceci­lia Urbi­na recei­ved the pres­ti­gious Pre­mio Coatli­cue in recog­ni­tion of De noche lle­gan and Un mar­tes como hoy. A Tues­day Like Today was nomi­na­ted for the IMPAC/Dublin Inter­na­tio­nal Lite­rary Award in 2009–2010. She is married, and has three chil­dren.

Cecilia Urbina. Photo: Javier Armas